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Literature Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

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Literature - Research Paper ExampleBarn Burning and Silence of the Lambs develop on the theme of good and evil and individual conscience through interactions between a powerful paternal figure and a younger pupil figure. Barn Burning is commonly considered a coming-of-age story, but the way that Sarty comes of age is precisely through the development of his own conscience and the hardest lesson that someone might learn: That their father is far from a good person. Meanwhile, in its own sense, Silence of the Lambs is a coming-of-age story: A very young FBI agent is thrown into a very dangerous case and has to learn how to deal with serial killers, both investigating them and interacting with them. In both of these stories, the main characters are struggling to understand the true nature of their mentor: Sarty's father, Snopes, and Clarice's guide through the Buffalo Bill case, Hannibal Lecter. At the end of the story, Sarty sees that his father is going on an increasingly self-destructive path.